DC KIDS MEGA SAMPLER - This one looks like loads of fun. It’s nice to see DC putting out an effort to attract an audience under 30. The sampler issue is really the best way to go. As my old publisher Dan Vado once told me - nothing sells a comic better than the comic itself. Just put some good stories in the kids’ hands and they’ll want more.
Preview it HERE.

BLACKEST NIGHT - And for the adult kids they offer what seems to be little more than an advertisement for this summer’s annual crossover bullshit.

AVENGERS - Looks like a lot of confusing nonsense for anyone who hasn't already been reading Marvel comics for at least ten years. What’s the point?
Preview it HERE.

WOLVERINE - Wolverine reveals a new mutant ability - blandness. C’mon Marvel, try to get into the spirit of things here!
Preview the vanilla HERE.
Cheers to the return of Aliens and Predator
ReplyDeleteJeers to this rusty tailgate.
this summer’s annual crossover bullshit.I believe that's DC official tagline!